Issues with the lower back can affect the whole body. They can be painful and presistent and are likely to stop you moving

Lower Back

Common conditions

  • Jon Cairns is working with a patient to diagnose a lower back issue

    Disc Injury

    Sudden sharp pain, or deep aching soreness that’s typically worse after rest and often caused by lifting, prolonged sitting or dynamic sports

  • Jon Cairns examines the lower back of a patient

    Facet Joint

    Caused by swelling of the joint, this focussed pain usually occurs close-to or directly in the middle of your lower back and is normally worse when bending backwards or rotating

  • Jon Cairns performing a simple test on a patient's hip by moving the leg

    Sacral Iliac Joint

    Injury to the ligaments that surround the very bottom of your back, causing pain between the hip and back, and usually occurring on one side

  • A patient receives guidance on sciatica while stretching in the gym


    Sharp ‘electric’ pain that starts near the hip and runs down the back of your leg, sometimes as far as to the foot. Can also cause pins and needles and reduced limb power

Tap the button below to book your initial assessment

This will help us to diagnose the issue and to understand your goals


What happens at an initial assessment?

We give all new patients an initial assessment to understand the problem you’re having and to complete some simple testing to better diagnose the cause. We’ll also discuss your goals and make a plan to get you back on your feet.

One of my parents had a bad back. Does that mean I will also have problems?

The majority of back conditions are not linked to genetics and are usually highly treatable

Do I need to change my office chair/mattress?

If discomfort begins quickly when sitting or lying, this is probably something we will look into. However, if your back is sore only after a full day of sitting, it’s not usually to do with the working environment

Do I have to give up doing sports or other activity? Will it get better?

Being active plays a key role in recovery and staying strong will actually speed up the process. In most cases we would expect to see you make a full return to doing what you love

If I need scans, can you take care of that?

Yes, if scans are required we can get you sorted straight away. We can also work with scans carried out by the NHS

“I’ve had lower back pain for years, and it’s been incredibly frustrating not knowing why. Jon was the first professional who helped me understand what is going on with my back and designed a bespoke path to recovery”