Pain in the upper back can have many causes and can often cause secondary pain, like headaches or arm and shoulder issues

Upper Back

Common conditions

  • A patient receives a massge for the upper back

    Facet Joint

    Caused by swelling of the joint, this focussed pain usually occurs close-to or directly in the middle of your upper back and is normally worse when bending backwards or rotating

  • A patient is having their shoulder examined by Jon Cairns

    Thoracic Outlet

    Usually caused by spending a lot of time in a static position, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome can result in restricted blood flow to the arms due to muscular tightness

  • A patient is having their upper back massaged

    Muscle Overload

    Pain and tightness in the upper back caused by fatigue or over-use. Often triggered by long hours at the desk over multiple weeks, or sudden increase in workload when exercising

Tap the button below to book your initial assessment

This will help us to diagnose the issue and to understand your goals


What happens at an initial assessment?

We give all new patients an initial assessment to understand the problem you’re having and to complete some simple testing to better diagnose the cause. We’ll also discuss your goals and make a plan to get you back on your feet.

I’ve had pain for a really long time. Is there anything that can be done?

Absolutely! In most cases even long-term upper back pain can be successfully addressed with careful treatment and exercise

How long will treatment take?

Your treatment will be carefully planned based on diagnosis at your initial assessment, but generally most patients require about 4 to 6 half-hour treatment sessions, occurring once per week

Will I also receive treatment at my initial assessment?

In most cases, yes

If I need scans, can you take care of that?

Yes, if scans are required we can get you sorted straight away. We can also work with scans carried out by the NHS

“Jonathan is an outstanding chiropractor! His personalised care and expertise have made a significant difference in my well-being. I've experienced immediate relief from my back and neck pain and improved flexibility thanks to his treatments”